We're back.
Lulu and I were gone a couple of days. To the Big Apple.
We HAD HAD HAD to go to the National Stationery Show to check things in the business out. We were scouting to see if we needed to exhibit there next year. We were stealing ideas from other wholesalers about their booth design and construction. We walked and walked through row after beautiful row of paper goods and stationery and cards and invitations.
It took two days.
We were there for three.
On the third day... Lulu tried some new things.

We went to the top of the Empire State Building. Lulu doesn't do heights. She did on day three. Then we had to rush rush rush back to the hotel to check out by our late time of 1:00 because the dang line was just SO long that we were not able to leisurely look out along the sides of the city- but we were up long enough to snap this shot of ourselves. That is not a fake backdrop in the background! That is the REAL New York sky with the puffy clouds and everything! We even said Hello to New Jersey from up there!
Then we walked forever trying to find Lulu some cheap t-shirt souvenirs. She thought she had seen them a block up from our hotel at Grand Central Terminal.
She was wrong. Long wrong. We walked to Times Square.
Carrying our carry on bags.
Mine containing a computer... then got a t-shirt, lunch (Lulu suggested a place called Subway- I said- that is the REAL subway...) and then it started raining! We had to make a quick decision. Get soaked before our flight since there was nary a cab to be had or take the subway back to GCT.
You're right. We took the subway!
At the airport Lulu and I were interviewed by the New York Post on a story about AMR deciding to charge for all checked bags for poor souls in coach. We were of course against it.
See Lulu's inclusion in the story
here. I know, they spelled her name wrong. Not to worry. I e-mailed the author and told him that it was an error! He replied that he was terribly sorry and he must have gotten bad information form the reporter to whom we spoke. I am thinking he should print a correction. Odds are probably against it, though...