The Peep is a singer. She doesn't always get the tempo or notes right but the girl knows words. Last night she impressed Hill Dog with a rousing rendition of Please Come to Boston and then doing a little Temptations "My Girl" the first time she heard it...
This is why I hardly know what is going on in the world of pop music because we listen to CD's constantly in the car. The Peep likes a variety now, thankfully, and we are freed from Toddler Tunes. She will occasionally do a little She'll Be Commin' Around the Mountain, but for the most part it is the Red Hot Chili Peppers, Van Halen, Jack Ingram or U2 in Slick's sedan and Kenny Chesney, Little Mermaid, Backyardigins or of course Kenny Chesney in my mom-mobile.
DJ Jazzy Peeper... what can I say???
Keep the Tunes coming...
those music gene's may have skipped a generation...
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