Thank you for asking about things in the bathroom. The progress on the bathroom: You can see from the photos that the bathroom was a Mess. The Peep and I took some lovely photos that I may submit for awards of her potty "pulled" to use our plumber's words. In case you wonder, it costs $125 to "Pull a Potty."
I don't think he said potty, but I don't think I can bring myself to say toilet.
It sure darn will. Mr John the Wallman was the one who put that same texture on the walls and ceiling of that bathroom just 20 short months ago when we had all of the walls and ceiling replaced after we purchased the house.
I'll get it painted soon and show you how everything looks in a perfect world...
I don't know which is thru construction or living in a rent house without furniture. Both are up there! Thanks for keeping us posted on the progress...
I love me some Kenny!!!!!!!!!!!and a re done bathroom
I'm with the neighbor!!
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